News from Cloud Springs Elementary
Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO)
Dear Parents and/or Guardians,
I would like to welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year at Cloud Springs Elementary.
We are looking forward to a fantastic year! I want to thank you ahead of time for all of your help and support to both your children and our school. We could not do it without you.
If you are new to our school or are not familiar with the PTO program, please take a moment to read the following information to learn more about our program.
I encourage you to contact us with any of your comments or suggestions.
Natalie Brown, President
PTO Executive Board for 2024-2025
President - Natalie Brown
Contact information:
163 Fernwood Drive
Rossville, Georgia 30741
Email: [email protected]
Cloud Springs Elementary PTO is made up of a group of parents and grandparents who have children who attend this school. We work together with teachers and faculty to help make our school a safe, fun, and loving environment. Our goal is to help bridge communication between parents and school administration, to inspire volunteers, and to raise money to fund the needs of the school that fall outside the school budget.
We welcome suggestions, comments and helping hands. You may email us at [email protected] or by saying hello when you see us at school.
Fundraising is a very important part of the PTO. It equips us to assist the school in the purchase of important and needed items and services that are not included in the schools budget. Your participation is vital and very much appreciated!
With your help we collect Box Tops for Education Our shopping programs include Food City BONUS CARD and the TARGET RED CARD. Our school will receive 1% of your purchase price. You can help out your school just by continuing to shop your favorite stores and using your reward cards but YOU HAVE TO REGISTER each year.
For a complete list and registration information on all of our Cougar Collectibles and Shopping Programs contact your PTO.
PTO partners with the school and with Parent Involvement to provide opportunities for families to be involved such as Fall Carnival, Cougar Kid celebration, Santa Shop, Field Day, and more. Parents are always welcome to participate and/or volunteer. It is also a great way for parents to get to know each other, and for children to socialize with one another, outside of the classroom.
Becoming a member is your right as a parent or guardian of a child at CSE. Becoming a member is $5.00 per family.
With your membership we ask that you:
- Participate in fundraising and return collectibles whenever possible.
- Register your store savings cards to Cloud Springs.
- Care for students and staff.
- Send your student to school prepared each day.
- Give PTO feedback and suggestions that may help with the health and happiness of our school.
With your membership PTO will:
- Use your donations responsibly and wisely.
- Listen to your suggestions.
- Inform you of how PTO is spending time and funds to improve the school.
PTO Membership Drive GET INVOLVED TODAY!!!!
Join the Cloud Springs Elementary Parent Teacher Organization for only $5.00 per family.